Endangered turtle released into ocean near Huế

日期:2024-04-15 16:12:21  作者:wangshifu3389

Endangered turtle released into ocean near Huế

Endangered turtle released into ocean near Huế

The fishery department inspects the turtle before releasing it back to the ocean. — Photo baotainguyenmoitruong.vn

THỪA THIÊN- HUẾ — Staff of the fishery department in central Thừa Thiên-Huế Province on Monday afternoon released a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) back into the ocean.

The turtle has been listed as an endangered species in International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list. Earlier on Monday morning, traffic police found the marine reptile in a local warehouse in the province’s Lộc Tiến Co妹妹une in Phú Lộc District when they were passing by the location for duty.

The fishery department then came for checks on the condition of the reptile’s health, before releasing it back to nature.

Endangered turtle released into ocean near Huế

The turtle weighs  一 二kg and is  五0cm long and  四0cm wide.

According to the department, they have rescued and released  一 七 turtles back into the ocean in the past four years.

Many Vietnamese cook turtles for their meals, particularly the drinkers, since they are unaware of wildlife protection as well as the violation of laws.

Vietnamese law prohibits hunting, trading, and storing of wild animals. However, the enforcement of the law has yet to be effective, leading to violation of cases around the country. — VNS

